Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rocky Road Easter Eggs

These were fun (and easy) to make, and didn't turn out too badly.


Good quality chocolate (I ended up using about 500g in total to make 8 half eggs)
Egg-shaped moulds
Slivered almonds, toasted
Fry's Turkish Delight, chopped into small pieces (thanks, Deb, for suggesting this!)
Mini marshmallows (from the baking aisle)

Basic Steps

Make eggs first.  Spray each egg mould with Spray 'N' Cook.  Using the back of a spoon, coat the inside of each mould with a thin layer of melted chocolate.  Refrigerate for 5 minutes or so until set.  Coat with another layer, refrigerate again.  To make sure your eggs are fairly sturdy, I'd do at least three layers.

Refrigerate eggs in moulds for at least 30 minutes or until well and truly set.

Make rocky road - mix almonds, Turkish Delight and marshmallows through melted chocolate (make sure the chocolate isn't still too warm when you mix in the marshmallows, as they will melt).

Bend egg moulds slightly to loosen eggs, turn upside down and gently tap egg out.

Fill each egg with a good spoon of rocky road; press mix gently into all the gaps using a spoon.  Try not to handle eggs as you do this, as they melt very easily.  Refrigerate until set.

I'm not sure that there's any sort of cost saving through making these yourself, but I enjoyed the experience, and they taste good.  Variations: you could use white chocolate instead (in that case, use plain not chocolate coated Turkish Delight).  You could use dried cranberries or chopped dried apricots instead of Turkish Delight, or even chopped raspberry liquorice, peanuts or macadamias instead of almonds...!

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