Thursday, May 20, 2010


I would just like to advise my blog-reading public (few in number though you may be) that I will not be posting again until I have mastered ze art of ze French macaroon.  Three failed attempts so far and counting...


  1. Have you been watching Poh's Kitchen? These were on last week and I promised myself I'd have a go.

    Let me know if there's a secret.

  2. Ooo, thanks for the tip Alistair. No, I didn't see this. Haven't had a lot of luck so far, partly due to using dodgy recipes off the internet, and partly due to trying to cut corners. I have learned so far that you must, must, must sieve the ground almonds and icing sugar as finely as you can, and mix thoroughy but gently. Worth the effort though, they taste AMAZING. Let me know how you get on with YOURS (knowing your talents, they'll be perfect first time :-)

