Monday, May 31, 2010

Les macarons - success at last!

I finally made a successful batch of macaroons.  So worth it!  The recipe I used (with my notes added in) is below.  There are so many different recipes out there; all with slightly different quantities / baking temperatures / times / methods.  There's another version I'd like to try which uses Italian meringue (you make a sugar syrup and whip into the beaten egg whites while hot - fascinating!).

90g egg whites (approx. 3 eggs), aged at room temperature for at least 48 hours
30g caster sugar
100g finely ground almonds
200g pure icing sugar
Few drops vanilla extract
Few drops pink food colouring

100g white chocolate
100mL cream
Few drops food colouring (optional)

2 baking sheets, lined with non-stick baking paper
Piping bag fitted with plain, round nozzle

1. Sift together almonds and icing sugar into a bowl.

2. In a separate, spotlessly clean bowl, whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form.  Gradually add caster sugar whilst beating, until you have a stiff, glossy meringue.  Add a splash of vanilla extract and a few drops of food colouring and beat in.

3. Add a portion (perhaps a third) of the almonds/icing sugar and fold in gently.  Fold in the remainder in two more batches.  It's important not to over-mix, but you need to also make sure that it is mixed enough - you need a uniform mass.  Test the consistency by dropping a small spoonful on to baking paper - if the top smooths over by itself, the consistency is right.

4.Put the batter into the piping bag.  Pipe small rounds onto baking sheet (keep nozzle to sheet as you pipe, this will help to give you uniform rounds).  Once you've filled a tray, give it a good, straight tap on the kitchen bench to knock out any air bubbles.  If any of your rounds have little lumps on the top from your piping, smooth them out using a wet fingertip.

5. Leave sitting at room temperature for about 30 minutes to 'crouter' (form their crust).

6. Pre-heat oven to 140 degrees C.  Touch one of the macaroons gently with your finger - if some of the batter sticks, the macaroons are not yet ready to bake; leave for a little longer.

7. Bake at 140 degrees C for 20 - 25 minutes.  (They will have formed their crust, and you should be able to see sort of honeycomb-y texture around the base of each one).

8. Leave to cool on trays.

9. Gently heat cream until just below boiling.  Add broken up white chocolate, mix till smooth.  Refrigerate.  When cold, whip with beaters. (Add a few drops of food colouring if you wish).

10. Sandwich macaroons together with cream.  Refrigerate in an airtight container - the texture is best after they've been in the fridge for a bit.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I would just like to advise my blog-reading public (few in number though you may be) that I will not be posting again until I have mastered ze art of ze French macaroon.  Three failed attempts so far and counting...